Kuna FX Connect - Exchange Rate Service


Austin Miller

Last Update 3 года назад


Kuna FX Connect exchange rate service automatically imports up-to-date exchange rates to your Epicor ERP.

Getting Started

Service Creation

1) Navigate to the services page

2) In the top right-hand corner, click the "+ New" button

3) On the Create Service Page, click the Exchange Rate square


Kuna will walk you through a service configuration wizard. Configure each parameter, clicking 'Next' on each section until complete. The detailed description of what each parameter is can be found below.

ServiceNameA friendly name to remember the service by
ServiceERP ConnectionThe ERP connection the service should send data to
ConfigurationCompanyThe Epicor Company the exchange rates are a part of
ConfigurationRate TypeThe Epicor Rate Type Code
ConfigurationEntry PersonThe Epicor user that should get credit for inputting the rates
ConfigurationEffective Date DeltaThe date plus delta the rates should effective. Always works off now. So for example, if you had a delta of +1, Date.now + 1 = tomorrow
ConfigurationScheduleThe schedule this service should run on
SourceRate SourceThe source of the currency exchange rates (ex: European Central Bank, Oanda.com, ect.)
API KeyAPI KeyYour API Key for the selected source (only applicable to some sources)
CurrenciesRequested RatesThe currency codes of the rates that should be sent to your ERP
EmailEmailEmail addresses (comma separated) to send email notifications to when the services has completed a run

Manual Run & Test

After configuring your service, you can manually run the service by clicking the 'Run' button in the upper right-hand corner of the service page.

Use the "cron" link to translate the schedule showed inside the details pane and get a view of how your service has been set up.


Kuna FX Connect will now automatically send up-to-date exchange rates to your ERP! 

If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected] or create a ticket.

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